The River Coly Project, Summer/Autumn 2024

Alex, Anna and the River Coly running right past the door of Umborne Bridge Studio, Colyton.


It’s all go for the River Coly Project!

We’ll be running free sketching sessions, finding out about our river and its history, mapping sections of the river, getting local schools and groups involved and finally installing a big map of the river all the way around the studio at Umborne Bridge, with a mini-book to follow and everyone welcome to visit the exhibition.

Do you have to be arty to join in?

No! We welcome any form of creativity and anything relating to the flora and fauna found along the river. This is a community exhibition and we’d love people to get involved so if you’re interested in joining in please get in touch!

Dates for your diary

Friday, 5th July, 1pm-3pm - Coly River sketching group walk downriver, meeting at Umborne Bridge Studio, Colyton. This is a free nature/art session with Anna and Alex and you can do whatever creative thing suits you best, it doesn’t have to be sketching. The walk is flat on fairly even terrain. Children are welcome under parental supervision but please leave dogs behind for this one. No need to book; just turn up! If it’s raining we can do something in the studio instead.

Sunday 21st July, 10am-12noon - Coly River sketching group walk upriver, meeting at Chantry Bridge, Colyton (the old stone bridge near the garden centre) This is a free nature/art session with Anna and Alex and you can do whatever creative thing suits you best, it doesn’t have to be sketching. The walk is flat on fairly even terrain. Children are welcome under parental supervision but please leave dogs behind for this one. No need to book; just turn up! If it’s raining we can do something in the studio instead.

Wednesday 7th August, 10-30am-12.30pm - Walk from Farway nearer the source of the Coly (meeting place to be confirmed) - this walk will be slightly more challenging and less flat. Details to be posted shortly.


Check out our photo gallery below, which we’ll be adding to as the project progresses. These photos are for anyone involved in the project to use as source material, so please feel free to paint or draw your own version.